Benefits of adding saffron to your diet

Indian households are storehouses of super foods without actually realizing so. The kitchen is a place where the best of foods are present and surprisingly, these foods are a part of our everyday diet that go unnoticed a lot of times. Spices like cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and black peppers are classic examples of super foods that are a part of almost every vegetable preparation or curry that we consume. Present mostly in the powdered form, these spices are extremely beneficial for the body and are found in every kitchen.

Saffron is another such spice which is derived from the flowers of saffron crocus and is added to a lot of sweet dish preparations and sweet drinks such as milk and butter milk. The stigma and style of the flower are red coloured threads that are essentially the spice that we see and consume. Hailing from Kashmir, Saffron is also known as saffron and is the most expensive of all spices. It has a sweet taste that is suitable for adding in sweet items and desserts. In addition to its delectable taste, it is also extremely beneficial for health. Saffron has been used for centuries to treat fever, bronchitis, cold and other immune, respiratory disorders and helps effectively in the regulation of blood pressure, improvement of heart health and helping with depression are some of its benefits. In addition to these, saffron is a potent immunity booster.


Immunity cells are formed in the body and their synthesis is promoted by consuming immunity boosting foods such as ginger, garlic, turmeric, black pepper, cloves and other spices that also include saffron. However, it isn’t just what we eat but also what we feel that influences the formation of immunity cells in our body. Psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, stress which have been found to be the by-product of covid, potently destroy immunity cells.

Saffron, on the other hand is one such food item that helps soothe anxiety and stress, calming the nerves and helping the body by keeping the process of building immunity cells undisturbed. The spice is rich in carotenoids, which help in fighting against diseases and improve immunity. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other medicinal properties attributed to saffron bioactive compounds can help in both pre-and post-infection management strategies.

How to consume it

Adding saffron to milk or tea is a great way to relish its subtle taste and aroma and reap all the health benefits that it provides. In addition to this, saffron can be added to rice preparations such as pulao or even in plain rice. Saffron water is another way to consume the spice for its health benefits. Soak five to seven strands of saffron in hot water and consume it after some time.

Qatar Safar

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