Things you should avoid on an empty stomach

We all love to begin our day with a piping hot cup of coffee or tea, knowing the fact that it may cause acidity. Well, as per studies, it’s a matter of habit and we need to change it for a healthier tomorrow. According to health experts, during the morning hours, the body mechanism is slow and thus we should feed it with things that are light and don’t cause any turbulence inside. And to make it happen, we first need to understand things that are best avoided on an empty stomach in the morning.


“It may be impossible to go without that cup of joe in the morning but think twice about making it the very first thing you consume on an empty stomach. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach triggers acidity, which stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid.”

Alcohol after a long gap in eating

“With no food in the stomach, alcohol travels straight to the bloodstream. Once alcohol is in the bloodstream, it’s quickly distributed throughout the entire body, causing the blood vessels to widen and result in temporary feelings of warmth, temporary decrease in pulse rate, as well as blood pressure. It travels through the stomach, kidneys, lungs, liver, and then to the brain. It doesn’t always take long for this to happen either; about 20 percent of the alcohol a person drinks passes through the stomach and reaches the brain within a minute. Also, food in the stomach decreases the rate in which alcohol travels through the bloodstream which minimizes the damage.”

​Chewing gum

As per her post, chewing gum on an empty stomach is never a good idea. Because chewing makes your digestive system produces more digestive acid. The acid can destroy the lining of your stomach since there is no food lining the tummy thus causing ulcers.


She also suggests that shopping when hungry is not a good idea. As per two studies conducted by Cornell’s University research team, people who go shopping on an empty stomach not only land up shopping much more than needed but also tend to purchase more high-calorie food and more junk food.


Apart from all this, she also suggests avoiding arguments on an empty stomach. Wondering why? Well, according to studies, when people are feeling angry, they are usually dealing with low blood sugar, and having a snack can sometimes combat the anger

Qatar Safar

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