Positive effects of quitting sugar

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If you are a sweet lover, then it might be difficult for you to resist sugar cravings. Be it desserts, chocolate, cold drinks or juices, we consume a large number of calories through these food items as they are laden with white sugar. Refined white sugar is not only addictive but also dangerous for your overall health. Here is what happens to your body after you cut white sugar completely from your diet.

​Notice these changes after quitting sugar

Quitting sugar can significantly improve your skin’s texture and also reduce the occurrence of breakouts. Sugar loaded desserts can lead to insulin spikes which can cause inflammation in the skin. Cutting sugar from the diet can improve collagen levels which delays skin ageing, prevents wrinkles and also improves your complexion.

If you have a sweet tooth and often indulge in some sinful sugary delights, then you might experience brain fog every now and then. Sugar intake can affect your memory and your retention power takes a hit. Thus, after quitting sugar, your memory improves and you might notice a significant improvement in your recalling power.

Have you ever eaten a dessert late at night and then found it difficult to sleep? This is because sugar provides you with instant energy and drives away lethargy. Cutting sugar from the diet, restores your sleep cycle and also helps you in getting a good night’s sleep.

Effective weight loss

15 Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight

It goes without saying that cutting sugar from your daily diet speeds up the process of weight loss. Be it any kind of diet, quitting sugar is one thing that is common in all. From cakes and chocolates to sodas and mithai, all these food items are loaded with sugar, which ultimately adds to your daily calorie intake. Cut sugar from your diet, start exercising on a daily basis and shift your diet to a healthier, cleaner one and witness effective weight loss within weeks.

How to tackle cravings

How to Stop Sugar Cravings with One Single Trick

When those sugar cravings hit, it is too difficult to control them and we often give in and hog on our favourite sweets. If you too are trying to control your cravings, the first thing you need to do is replace white sugar with healthier sweeteners. This way, you will slowly shift from unhealthy desserts to a healthier version.

Another way to control sugar cravings is by drinking a glass of water. Often thirst leads to cravings and having a stomach full of water might suppress this craving. Opt for a fruit, whenever you feel like eating something sweet. This will provide natural sugar to your body and is super healthy at the same time.

Healthier alternatives for sugar

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It is high time that we switched to some healthier sweeteners, which won’t cause any harmful effects but at the same time also add flavour to your dish. Some better alternatives for refined white sugar are jaggery powder, maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, shakkar, dates and agave nectar.

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