Can Diabetic People Have Fruits?

Diabetes, a blood sugar problem, is majorly driven by poor dietary habits. Currently, there are more than 100 million diabetes cases in the country and 136 million individuals are on the verge of getting it. Among the several reasons that fuel the growth of the disease, one of the major factors is misinformation. Myths around diet, physical activity, and lifestyle around diabetes are so prevalent that sometimes it gets difficult for a common man to differentiate them from the fact. A big question about diabetes is whether these people can eat fruits or not.

​Can those with diabetes have fruits?​

“Yes, our patients with diabetes can and must have fruits regularly. Many fruits are rich in dietary fiber, potassium, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are low in fat, low in sodium and low in calories,” says Dr Rahul Baxi, Consultant Diabetologist, Bombay Hospital.

​What are the myths around this?​

Dr Baxi explains: We see two types of patients. “Dr, I take a glass of fruit juice daily. It’s healthy, right? and “Dr, I stopped all fruits since I came to know about my diabetes.” There are a lot of myths about the consumption of fruits in patients with diabetes. Some say to avoid fruits totally. Some recommend to go on a total fruit diet and some suggest to consume fruit juices and smoothies and not whole fruits. The truth is, most fruits are healthy when consumed daily in the right amount.

Can fruit sugar affect the blood sugar level?​

Diabetes, a blood sugar problem, is majorly driven by poor dietary habits. Currently, there are more than 100 million diabetes cases in the country and 136 million individuals are on the verge of getting it. Among the several reasons that fuel the growth of the disease, one of the major factors is misinformation. Myths around diet, physical activity, and lifestyle around diabetes are so prevalent that sometimes it gets difficult for a common man to differentiate them from the fact. A big question about diabetes is whether these people can eat fruits or not.

Can those with diabetes have fruits?​

“Yes, our patients with diabetes can and must have fruits regularly. Many fruits are rich in dietary fiber, potassium, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are low in fat, low in sodium and low in calories,” says Dr Rahul Baxi, Consultant Diabetologist, Bombay Hospital.

​What are the myths around this?​

Dr Baxi explains: We see two types of patients. “Dr, I take a glass of fruit juice daily. It’s healthy, right? and “Dr, I stopped all fruits since I came to know about my diabetes.” There are a lot of myths about the consumption of fruits in patients with diabetes. Some say to avoid fruits totally. Some recommend to go on a total fruit diet and some suggest to consume fruit juices and smoothies and not whole fruits. The truth is, most fruits are healthy when consumed daily in the right amount.

Can fruit sugar affect the blood sugar level?​

“Fruits contain fructose, which is taken up by the liver, converted to glucose, and released into the blood. So yes, fruits can increase glucose levels. Having said that, fruits contain fiber which can slow down carbohydrate absorption and helps manage glucose levels. We must consider the glycaemic index and the glycaemic load of the fruits. Consumption of whole fruits in moderation will generally affect the glucose levels more slowly than some of the other carbohydrate sources such as juices, candies, etc.,” explains Dr Baxi.

How should people with diabetes consume fruits?​

“There are some suggestions about eating fruits on an empty stomach, but eating them with a meal may help you feel full for a longer period. Eating fruits before or after meals does not decrease their nutritional value,” he recommends.

06/6​Which fruits are good for those with diabetes? Which fruits should be avoided?​
​Which fruits are good for those with diabetes? Which fruits should be avoided?​
(Image credit: Ujjwala Baxi, Certified Diabetes Educator)

“Our patients with diabetes can consume most fruits. Commonly recommended fruits include papaya, guava, apple, orange, pear, watermelon, all berries (blueberry, blackberry, strawberry), cherries, and avocado. The quantity would depend on the glycemic index. One serving should be about 15 gm carbohydrates. It’s important to avoid fruit juices, canned or preserved fruits, and even dried fruits which can have added sugars and hence can be very sweet,” he concludes.

Qatar Safar

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