Craving something chocolaty but don’t want to add those extra calories to your body? Worry no more, as this super easy Choco pops recipe is perfect for you. The recipe included coconut milk, which makes it completely dairy free. For this recipe, you need coconut milk, cocoa powder, honey and […]

Total Time : 10m Prep Time : 5 m Calories : 216 Craving something sweet but don’t want to whip up something exotic? We have got you covered with this super easy pudding recipe. All you need is cocoa powder, dates, chia seeds and almond milk. This no-cook recipe can […]

Just like Gulab Jamun, Jalebi is one of the most popular desserts of India and is a spiraled dish that needs time and practice. This crispy and crunchy dessert is dipped in sugar syrup and is loaded with flavors. Here is how you can make jalebi recipe at home explained in detail […]