Cabinet Meeting announces gradual lifting of COVID-19 restrictions for Phase 2

The decisions shall be effective from Friday 18 June 2021, until further notice.

Following the meeting, H.E. Dr. Issa bin Saad Al-Juffali al-Nuaimi, Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs said:

At the beginning of the meeting, the Council of Ministers heard the explanation provided by H.E. Minister of Public Health on the latest developments and developments to reduce the spread of the CORONA virus (COVID-19), and after reading the report of the High Committee for Crisis Management on the plan to gradually lift the restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic, and in order to ensure the health and safety of all members of the community, decided:


  • Workplace (Government): Allowing, according to the need of work, a maximum of 80% of the total number of employees in the government sector in each business entity to work from the office, the rest of the employees working remotely from their homes or on request, depending on the circumstances. This excludes the military, security and health sectors.
  • Workplace (Private): Allowing, according to the need of work, a maximum of 80% of the total number of employees in the private sector in each business entity to work from the office, the rest of the employees working remotely from their homes or on request, depending on the circumstances. This excludes the military, security and health sectors.
  • Workplace meetings: Allowing meetings for public and private sector employees and employees at their workplace with the attendance of no more than 15 people who have completed the COVID19 vaccine doses. Those who have not completed or have not received the COVID-19 vaccine doses can only attend the meetings (remotely) using modern technological means.
  • Employees who have not received or completed the COVID-19 vaccine: All employees of the government and private sectors must conduct a rapid antigen test accredited by the Ministry of Public Health on a weekly basis. Those who completed the doses of the vaccine (Covid-19), recovered from the disease or those whose health condition does not allow, based on a medical report accredited by the MoPH are exempt from the rapid antigen test.


  • Museums and libraries: Museums and public libraries to continue operating at a maximum capacity of 50%.
  • Theatres and cinemas: Cinemas and theatres can operate at a maximum capacity of 30%, provided at least 75% of the attendance have taken the two doses of the COVID-19 vaccines. Children under 12 are not allowed in.
  • Amusement parks and recreational centres: Allowing amusement parks and all entertainment centres to be opened according to the following conditions:
    • At a maximum capacity of 30% for open-air amusement parks and entertainment centres.
    • At a maximum capacity of 20% for indoor amusement parks and entertainment centres, provided that 75% of the customers who have completed doses of the (Covid-19) vaccine are among that percentage.
  • Water parks and swimming pools: Continuing to allow the opening of swimming pools and water parks according to the following:
    • A maximum capacity of 40% for outdoor pools and waterparks.
    • A maximum capacity of 20% for indoor pools and waterparks, only customers who have completed doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are allowed to enter.
  • Malls: Malls can operate at a maximum capacity of 50%. Allowing the opening of food courts not exceeding 30% and prayer areas. Changing rooms remain closed.
    Children under 12 are now allowed in the malls.
  • Markets (souqs): The continuation of the work of the popular markets throughout the week, with a capacity not exceeding 50%. Children under 12 are now allowed in markets (souqs).
  • Wholesale markets: Continuing the work of wholesale markets with a capacity not exceeding 50%. Children under 12 are now allowed in the wholesale markets.
  • Beauty salons and barber shops: Beauty salons and barbershops can operate at a maximum capacity of 30%, provided that all workers in these facilities and clients have completed taking both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Health clubs, gyms, massage services, sauna and steam rooms, jacuzzi services, and Moroccan and Turkish baths: Continuing to allow health clubs, gyms, massage services, sauna and steam rooms, jacuzzi services, and Moroccan and Turkish baths at a maximum capacity of 40% provided that all workers in these facilities and customers have completed both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.


  • Social gatherings: Allowing a maximum of 10 people who have completed doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to be in closed places in homes, or a maximum of five people if one of them did not complete both vaccine doses. A maximum of 20 people who have completed both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, or 10 people who have not completed or did not receive doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are allowed in outdoor areas of homes.
  • Mosques: Mosques continue opening for daily and Friday prayers, but children under the age of seven are not allowed in. Toilets and ablution facilities must remain closed. The MoPH and the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs will determine the other precautionary measures.
  • Weddings: Allowing weddings at independent wedding halls and wedding halls in hotels with a maximum capacity of 40 people, provided at least 75% of the attendance have completed both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Gatherings in parks: Allowing gatherings or sitting in public parks, beaches, and the corniche for a maximum of 10 people or family members residing in the same house, and individual sports such as walking, running and cycling are allowed, while continuing to close playgrounds and sports equipment in those places
  • Private beaches: Allowing the opening of private beaches not exceeding 40% of its capacity.


  • Number of people in vehicle: No car is allowed to have more than four passengers including the driver, with the exception of family members residing in the same house when leaving and moving in vehicles.
  • Buses: Buses must continue to operate at half their capacity while taking precautionary measures.
  • Metro and public transport: Permitting the operation of metro services and public transport services at a maximum capacity of 30% throughout the week, while closing the smoking areas and banning eating and drinking inside these services.
  • Driving schools: Driving schools shall continue to operate at a maximum capacity of 30%. All workers in the schools must have completed their COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Maritime transport: Approving the rent of boats and tourist yachts, provided that all workers in those boats and yachts have completed doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and that the number of passengers on those boats and yachts does not exceed 50% of its capacity and a maximum of 15 who have completed doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, while allowing the presence of 3 within the mentioned percentage of those who did not complete or did not receive doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and owners of personal boats and yachts, if used, are obligated to the percentage, number and controls referred to.


Integrated education system for all public and private universities, schools and kindergartens will remain.

  • Educational and training centres: Continuation of educational centres and private training centres to provide their services at a maximum capacity of 30% provided that all the instructors working at these centres have taken both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Nurseries: Nurseries to remain open and providing their services at a maximum capacity of 30%, provided all workers take both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Special needs centres: Centres for people with special needs to continue and that their educational capacity for a maximum of five people a session, provided all workers take both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.


  • Professional sports training: Continuation of professional sports training both indoors and outdoors, permitting preparatory training for local and international tournaments approved by the Ministry of Public Health without, and allowing the training of amateurs with a maximum of 20 people in open spaces who have completed both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and a maximum of 10 people indoors, provided they also take the two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, with no public attendance.
  • Local and international sports events: Approving the hosting of local and international sporting events after obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Public Health, with the presence of fans not surpassing the 30% capacity of the open-space venue, provided that among that 75% of the public completed both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and allowing the presence of no more than 20% of the capacity of the public in closed places, provided that they have completed doses of the (Covid-19) vaccine.
  • Conferences, exhibitions and events: Approving the organisation of conferences, exhibitions and events with a capacity not exceeding 30%, after obtaining the approval of the MoPH.


Approving restaurants and cafes to provide food and beverage on the following conditions:

  • A capacity that does not exceed 50% for restaurants and cafes that have the Clean Qatar certificate, and a capacity card that does not exceed 30% for restaurants and cafes that meet the conditions determined by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in open spaces.
  • A capacity that does not exceed 30% for restaurants and cafes that have a Clean Qatar certificate, and a capacity card that does not exceed 15% for restaurants and cafes that meet the conditions determined by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, provided that all customers who have completed doses of the COVID-19 vaccine must be indoors.


  • Private healthcare: Continuing to allow medical services to be provided in private health care facilities, not exceeding 80% of the capacity of these facilities.


  • Continuing to allow cleaning and hospitality companies to provide their services through their employees who have completed doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, whether in one or more homes, and allowing cleaning and hospitality services to be provided to the facilities contracting with them during working hours with a capacity not exceeding 50% also through workers who are fully vaccinated.


The current travel and return policy to Qatar remains in place until further notice.


This takes into account the obligation of health requirements, procedures, precautionary measures and controls set by the Ministry of Public Health.

The Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and other government agencies – each with regard to it – take the necessary measures in this regard, to ensure compliance with the health requirements and the procedures and precautionary measures established.

Qatar Safar

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